The Rock Cycle

Time: 60 Minutes

Grades: 6-8

Next Generation Science Standard: MS-ESS2-1 


As one of our new programs designed to meet the needs of middle school students, this program will deep dive into the process of the Rock Cycle! Learn all about the three types of rocks, where you can find them, how they're made, and how they change into each other!  

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More Information:

As with all of our programs, this field trip can be taught as a Virtual Field Trip or as an On-Grounds Field Trip. In our Rock Cycle program, your middle school students will learn about this important geological concept. 

We'll begin the field trip by discussing the three types of rocks found on Earth. Next, we deep dive into each category or rock, learning how it's made and some unique sub-categories for each rock type. For example, we will learn the difference between intrusive and extrusive igneous rocks. We'll then discuss the rock cycle, and how one type of rock can change into the other three. 

For our Virtual Field Trips, we've created an in-class version of our museum rock cycle activity. The directions below (downloadable for free) will walk you through how to have your students make a rock cycle model out of starbursts. They'll cut, squish, and melt these candies to turn their "rocks" into each type. v

This field trip is designed to meet the Next Generation Science Standard MS-ESS2-1. It has been approved by the Wyoming State Department of Education Standards Team. 

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